Institutional Ethics Committee

Welcome to the Institutional Ethical Committee of Genetika Lab. Being a registered laboratory under the Department of Health Research (DHR), we are resolutely committed to upholding ethical principles and standards in all our research and practices.

The Ethics Committee of Genetika consists of highly qualified and experienced professionals dedicated to ensuring that all research conducted adheres to the highest ethical standards. This unwavering commitment extends to safeguarding the rights, safety, and well-being of all participants in the research studies.

Ensuring that all research is conducted with the informed consent of all participants is a fundamental practice. Participants are provided with comprehensive information about the study's nature, potential risks or benefits, and their right to withdraw at any time.

Ethics Committee Members

Sl.No Name Designation / role of member in Ethics Committee
1 Dr. Revikumar K G Chair Person
2 Dr. Dinesh Roy D Member Secretary
3 Dr. Prasanand S Basic Medical Scientist
4 Dr. Jeyapal V Clinician
5 Dr. Anil Kumar D Clinician
6 Dr. Unnikrishnan V Social Scientist
7 Mr. Adv. Shah S I Legal Expert
8 Ms. Suja Devi C S Lay Person
9 Dr. K P Srinivasakumar Scientific Member
10 Dr. Jiju J S Scientific Member
11 Dr. Arun William Scientific Member
12 Dr. Aswathy Sundaresh Scientific Member